Uncensored with Dr Mollie

New podcast weblogDr Mollie James is a former trauma surgeon and ICU physician who worked the frontlines of covid—in NYC and the Midwest. She saw firsthand the disconnect between the policies issued and patient outcomes. After raising alarm bells about what was happening, she was forced out of her ICU’s and founded the James Clinic, which treated over 3,000 patients with covid during the Delta wave. Her clinic continues to question conventional medicine and they’re seeing better patient outcomes than they ever have! On Uncensored with Dr Mollie we discuss the disconnects between conventional and integrative medicine perspectives, talk about real issues you have, and sort out real solutions from fancy sales pitches.

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Saturday Dec 16, 2023

Dr Mollie James discusses breaking news, and guest Brian Ward joins her to discuss some legal strategies to defeat vaccine mandates of EUA products.  Brian is a business strategist who took the time to read the laws and statutes around EUA products and has some interesting legal proceedings going on to combat the mandates.
Twitter:  @GodsRiddles
Website:  covidpenalty.com


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